This world aches and groans.
Flat-out meanness. I could just cry over the meanness. In my own heart and in others.
We ache and we yearn for something better.
And that is why we practice Advent.
We spend Advent remembering the long wait for Hope incarnate. And we look forward to the coming Hope.
Because that Hope, the Hope that threads through from the beginning to the present.
That Hope is not gone.
That Hope is found in caring for the widow. For the orphan. That Hope is found in a cold cup of water. That Hope is found in listening and reconciliation. That Hope is found in unmeasurable grace. That Hope is here no matter how dim it seems. And these days it often seems dim.
Let’s use Advent as a time to remember. To remember our rebellion, past and present. To remember God’s tears shed over us. To remember the groaning and longing for a Savior. To remember that Savior came – humbly, as a servant. To remember with whom our Savior sat. To remember whom he came alongside gently and whom he harshly condemned. To remember his birth, his death, his Resurrection.
Let’s use Advent to allow his kingdom come in our hearts. And to remember that Hope which is coming. Because it is coming. It is coming again. He is coming again.
We are here. Hoping. Even so, dear Jesus. Please, please come quickly.
P.S. This is what we’re doing for Advent. I’ll post a full review of it when we’re done.
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